New Yorkers Are Overpaying Millions in HCRA Surcharges

New Yorkers Are Overpaying Millions in HCRA Surcharges

Jeff Snyder, the vice president of operations at Penstock Group, wrote this article forThe Buffalo News explaining how he came to realize that New Yorkers were overpaying millions of dollars in health taxes every year.

The Health Care Reform Act (HCRA) is a complex set of surcharges and fees levied on most services provided by hospitals and treatment centers and ambulatory surgery centers. An $11 charge for lab work for a routine physical was mistakenly tacked on to Jeff’s bill, but it should have been exempt.

Testing for Covid-19 illuminated the problem. Covid tests administered to people due to undergo a procedure should be taxed. Covid tests administered to people who think they have Covid should not be taxed. But it’s nearly impossible to differentiate the two at the billing level.

Read the full article in The Buffalo News.

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