Rx costs can be tough to swallow—they don’t have to be.
It’s time to put the patient back in the center of healthcare.
Health benefits that actually benefit? It’s possible.
We’re building a future where cost doesn’t impede care.
Freeing healthcare teams from cost and complexity.
The compounded annual growth rate of Navion (previously AlignRx), founded in 2019.
We’re enabling industry stakeholders—and the people they serve—to reap more value from the money spent on health.
Our transformative tech and solutions add value for key players in the industry, while bringing down the overall cost of care and medicine.
Empara is shaping the healthcare businesses of tomorrow – lowering costs and improving outcomes with hyper-intuitive solutions that make healthcare easy, rewarding and affordable.
We’re enabling industry stakeholders—and the people they serve—to reap more value from the money spent on health. Our transformative tech and solutions add value for key players in the industry, while bringing down the overall cost of care and medicine.

Health Engagement Platform
Empara is shaping the healthcare businesses of tomorrow – lowering costs and improving outcomes with hyper-intuitive solutions that make healthcare easy, rewarding and affordable.

We’re igniting real change. From building and accelerating revolutionary healthcare businesses to delivering transformative tech and services to our clients, we’re raising the bar of what healthcare can be.
Ready to join us?